Stampin' Up! Punch Art - Mario Bros!

We have the privilege of a guest punch art designer here today!! Jessie Scott has kindly allowed me to show you all her fantastic work and there is more to come so watch this space.

These are the cutest set and I am just amazed with what she has done. So show her some love and let her know what you think of her work, better yet- why not buy a kit or two or all of them to support her work.

In the kits you receive all the instructions you need to put it together, the clip with sticky dots to glue the clip down, a picture of what you are making and email contact in case you need assistance with anything. All you need is some glue. A glue stick or Tarzan grip glue, Tombow glue. Just one that dries clear is the best.

So here they are lets introduce each one - at the bottom of the page is the paypal button for you to purchase these fantastic kits.

Bullet Bill





Piranha Flower

Flower Power


Thanks for having a look at Jessies work and remember show her some LOVE!!

I'll be back to show you some of my new punch art that I have made recently. Thanks!

To see the 39 Kits that I have available click HERE


  1. TOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!! Our kids are fans of Mario! You are VERY CREATIVE!!!!!!!!! :)

  2. love love love them!!!

  3. Jack gives them a big thumbs up!

  4. Hey K, I just showed the boys and they were very impressed. I miss my craft.


Thanks for making the time to write a comment - you have made my day